(Natural eye color: )
Natalie 2020-03-04 ¡Ú¡Ú¡Ú¡Ú¡Ú
The prescription and quality is so good!

Soooo many compliments (Natural eye color: )
7890700 2016-06-10 ¡Ú¡Ú¡Ú¡Ú¡Ú
I'm A singer and on stage every weekend I get the most compliments on my eyes and asked where did I get them from both men and women. I Think we should team up!!! I'm Great at pushing a product and would LOVE to do it.
Great natural lenses! (Natural eye color:dark brown eyes almost black )
sb509 2016-06-07 ¡Ú¡Ú¡Ú¡Ú¡Ú
These lens are thin and super comfortable, sometimes I forget that I have them on. They do give a dolly look but it still looks natural. So far my favorite brown circle lens!
20151025 2015-10-06 ¡Ú¡Ú¡Ú¡Ú
For my very first contacts ever, I was surpised how comfortable they where on my eyes all day. They looked just like doll eyes on me. I love them
Comfort 10/10
THe 2015-06-24 ¡Ú¡Ú¡Ú¡Ú
At first lenses weren't comfortable but I got used to them in a short time. I can wear them for around 6-7 hours without any uncomfortable.

felt so good
ohheee 2015-06-10 ¡Ú¡Ú¡Ú¡Ú¡Ú
These circle lenses felt so good on my eyes. So light and no irritation or dryness. It also does not move on my eyes a lot when I close those or roll like many other lenses does. Great for sensitive eyes like mine¢¾¢¾¢¾

Amazing super comfortable feelings
Erin 2015-04-21 ¡Ú¡Ú¡Ú¡Ú¡Ú
A friend of mine recommended it!!!
Soo sooo sooooo comfortable! !!!!!!
It is totally working my eye redness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And color!!! So gentle and sweet brown ¢½
I am so happy with them!!!!!