[The Last Event 2015] Support your new year and look¢½
Posted at 2015-12-24 12:12:01
2015-12-24 22:26:59
¨çnew year wish: I wish for 2016 to be a peaceful year!.
¨èwish circle lenses&reason: http://www.e-circlelens.com/shop/goods/goods_view.php?goodsno=542&category=026017
I really need these lenses to upgrade my Erwin Smith Cosplay. I won them in the last Halloween event... but for some reason they never arrived to my place. I'm so sad!
2015-12-25 01:58:28
¨çnew year wish: my wish is to be more active with my creative projects, because that's what makes me the happiest!
¨èwish circle lenses&reason: I usually choose lens for cosplay only, but lately I also want to include them in beauty looks. These grey ones are super beautiful and bright, so they work for both purposes, beauty and cosplay. So I hope I can include them in my collection! http://www.e-circlelens.com/shop/goods/goods_view.php?goodsno=980&category=029
¨çNew year wish: I really wish to become a better person. I hope to lose weight and be more confident as well :33 I wish to be a person that everyone will remember.
¨èWish circle lenses&reason: http://www.e-circlelens.com/shop/goods/goods_view.php?goodsno=784&category=026 these because its super pretty and I'm excited to be eccentric >//u//<
2015-12-27 15:00:34
¨çnew year wish: My new years wish is to improve myself to where I am happy in my own skin~ (so losing weight, learning makeup, and improve my fashion sense)
¨èwish circle lenses&reason: http://www.e-circlelens.com/shop/goods/goods_view.php?goodsno=886&category=026
I chose these because they are bootiful~~ and I can look like a snow princess~! >x<
1) I wish EVERYONE would use their brain and heart well in 2016 so there were more peaceful days and love around. I wish people would go for their goals and dreams as no dream is stupid and no goal is impossible to reach. Think positive and positive things will happen to you <3
2) I'd like to try: http://e-circlelens.com/shop/goods/goods_view.php?goodsno=919&category=005 looking for some pretty violet lenses to try;some fresh pastel outfits and looks in 2016 needed to bright the mood kkk.
2015-12-29 11:56:21
¨ç My New Year wish is to open a pho shop! Then I can eat all the pho I want for free~! LOL!
¨è I wish for any circle lens because I need to buy more for the New Year anyways. I really like this site because they have a lot in prescription, which I am super blind and need all the help I can get :P (-7.50)
2015-12-29 17:41:38
¨çnew year wish : I wish for getting to know myself more and find what I want. I wish to have a job to help my family so they can be happy. I wish to become a better person and lose a little weigh :p
¨èwish circle lenses&reason : natural gray lenses, because I really like the color grey, and I've been wanting to try it since forever http://www.e-circlelens.com/m/goods/view.php?goodsno=978&category=019008
2015-12-29 19:45:30
¨çnew year wish: is to become successful, and wish all people who are important to me be healthy and happy for the rest lives
¨èI'd like to get Walkure Black (http://www.e-circlelens.com/shop/goods/goods_view.php?goodsno=156&category=015) because even though I have olive green eyes I find black eyes more attractive :3
2015-12-29 20:05:48
¨çnew year wish: I wish to pass all my remaining courses in college and be able to graduate on time along with my friends :)
¨èwish circle lenses&reason: I wish to get http://www.e-circlelens.com/shop/goods/goods_view.php?goodsno=696&category=002003 because I am currently into natural looking lenses and I think that this would fit my eyes the best ¢¾
Thanks e-circlelens! You're currently my favorite circle lens store ;)
2015-12-31 09:59:33
¨çI wish awake and do something with my life, because i'm tired of being depressed and waste my life. I wish my new project goes well and being more positive! I need this and be happy for once and all. Also i wish peace for the world.
¨èI wish win a circle lenses, because they make me feel pretty and better with myself. Also i use them to see well lol ¢½
I want to try these circle lenses: http://e-circlelens.com/shop/goods/goods_view.php?goodsno=177&category=020
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